Volume 9 (2024)
Volume 8 (2023)
Volume 7 (2022)
Volume 6 (2021)
Volume 5 (2020)
Volume 4 (2019)
Volume 3 (2018)
Volume 2 (2017)
Volume 1 (2016)
Author = Hamed Soroush
Number of Articles: 3
A New Weak Slater Constraint Qualification for Non-Smooth Multi-Objective Semi-Infinite Programming Problems
Volume 8, Issue 2 , December 2023, , Pages 49-61
This paper addresses a non-smooth multi-objective semi-infinite programming problem that involves a feasible set defined by inequality constraints. Our focus is on introducing a new weak Slater constraint qualification and deriving the necessary and sufficient conditions for (weakly, properly) ... Read MoreLinearization and Gap Function in Nonsmooth Quasiconvex Optimization Using Incident Subdifferential
Volume 7, Issue 1 , January 2022, , Pages 79-92
The purpose of this paper is to develop nonsmooth optimization problems (P) in which all emerging functions are assumed to be real-valued quasiconvex functions that are defined on a finite-dimensional Euclidean space. First, we introduce two linear optimization problems with the same optimal ... Read MoreTopological Subdifferential and its Role in Nonsmooth Optimization with Quasiconvex Data
Volume 5, Issue 2 , July 2020, , Pages 83-91