In collaboration with Payame Noor University and the Iranian Society of Instrumentation and Control Engineers
Global Forcing Number for Maximal Matchings under Graph Operations

Mostafa Tavakolli

Volume 4, Issue 1 , July 2019, , Pages 53-63

  Let $S= \{e_1,\,e_2‎, ‎\ldots,\,e_m\}$ be an ordered subset of edges of a connected graph $G$‎. ‎The edge $S$-representation of an edge set $M\subseteq E(G)$ with respect to $S$ is the‎ ‎vector $r_e(M|S) = (d_1,\,d_2,\ldots,\,d_m)$‎, ‎where $d_i=1$ if $e_i\in M$ and $d_i=0$‎ ...  Read More

Control and Optimization
Weakly Perfect Graphs of Modules

Mostafa Nouri Jouybari; Yahya Talebi Rostami; Siyamak Firouzian

Volume 4, Issue 2 , January 2019, , Pages 61-67

  In this study‎, ‎$R$ and $M$ are assumed to be a commutative ring with non-zero identity $M$ and an $R$-module‎, ‎respectively‎. ‎Scalar Product Graph of $M$‎, ‎denoted by $G_R(M)$‎, ‎is a graph with the vertex-set $M$ and two different vertices $a$ and $b$ in ...  Read More

Development of RMPC Algorithm for Compensation of Uncertain Time-Delay and Disturbance in NCS

Farshid Pouralizadeh Moghaddam; Hossein Gholizade Narm

Volume 4, Issue 1 , July 2019, , Pages 65-81

  In this paper‎, ‎a synthesis method based on robust model predictive control is developed for compensation of uncertain time-delays in networked control systems with bounded disturbance‎. ‎The proposed method uses linear matrix inequalities and uncertainty polytope to model uncertain ...  Read More

Extraction of Approximate Solution for a Class of‎ ‎Nonlinear Optimal Control Problems Using 1/G'-Expansion Technique

Mohammad Gholami Baladezaei; Morteza Gachpazan; Akbar Hashemi Borzabadi

Volume 5, Issue 2 , July 2020, , Pages 65-82

  In this paper‎, ‎the benefits of 1/G'-expansion technique are utilized to create a direct scheme for extracting approximate solutions for a class of optimal control problems‎. ‎In the given approach‎, ‎first state and control functions have been parameterized as a power series‎, ...  Read More

Numerical Solution of Vasicek Equation by Using Brownian Wavelets and Multiple Ito-Integral

Mahmoud Mahmoudi; Delaram Ahmad Ghondaghsaz

Volume 5, Issue 1 , January 2020, , Pages 67-80

  In this paper‎, ‎we present a new approach to solving stochastic differential equations and the Vasicek equation by using Brownian wavelets and multiple Ito-integral‎. ‎Firstly‎, ‎the calculation of the multiple Ito-integral based on the structure of Brownian motion is presented ...  Read More

Control and Optimization
Model Predictive Control for a 3D Pendulum on SO(3) Manifold Using Convex Optimization

Sara Mansourinasab; Mahdi Sojoodi; Seyed Reza Moghadasi

Volume 4, Issue 2 , January 2019, , Pages 69-80

  Conventional model predictive control (MPC) methods are usually implemented to systems with discrete-time dynamics laying on smooth vector space $ \mathbf{R}^n$‎. ‎In contrast‎, ‎the configuration space of the majority of mechanical systems is not expressed as Euclidean space‎. ‎Therefore‎, ...  Read More

An Efficient Data Collection Algorithm to Estimate Unknown Target Parameter in Wireless Sensor Networks

Amir Hosein Mohajerzadeh; Abbas Ali Rezaee; Morteza Bigdeli

Volume 5, Issue 1 , January 2020, , Pages 81-101

  Estimating the target parameter while the prior distribution function is known‎, ‎and several observations which are provided by the sensor node is the main goal in this paper‎. ‎In wireless sensor networks (WSN)‎, ‎nodes sense the environment and send data to a sink node called ...  Read More

Stable Rough Extreme Learning Machines for the Identification of Uncertain Continuous-Time Nonlinear Systems

Ghasem Ahmadi

Volume 4, Issue 1 , July 2019, , Pages 83-101

  ‎Rough extreme learning machines (RELMs) are rough-neural networks with one hidden layer where the parameters between the inputs and hidden neurons are arbitrarily chosen and never updated‎. ‎In this paper‎, ‎we propose RELMs with a stable online learning algorithm for the identification ...  Read More

Topological Subdifferential and its Role in Nonsmooth Optimization with Quasiconvex Data

Hamed Soroush

Volume 5, Issue 2 , July 2020, , Pages 83-91

  In this paper‎, ‎we study nonsmooth optimization problems with quasiconvex functions using topological subdifferential‎. ‎We present some necessary and sufficient optimality conditions and characterize topological pseudoconvex functions‎. ‎Finally‎, ‎the Mond-Weir type ...  Read More

Approximate Orthogonally Higher Ring Derivations

Sayed Kahlil Ekrami

Volume 7, Issue 1 , January 2022, , Pages 93-106

  In this paper‎, ‎we prove that every orthogonally higher ring derivation is a higher ring derivation‎. ‎Also we find the general solution of the pexider orthogonally higher ring derivations‎‎\begin{align*}‎‎\left\{‎‎\begin{array}{lr}‎‎f_n(x+y)=g_n(x)+h_n(y)‎, ...  Read More

Control and Optimization
An Adaptive Time-Stepping Algorithm to Solve a Stochastic Lotka-Volterra Competition System with Time-Variable Delays

Ali Valinejad; Afshin Babaei; Zahra Zarei

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 10 May 2024

  ‎This paper introduces ‎a variable step size strategy for a stochastic time-delays Lotka-Volterra competition system‎. ‎This adaptive strategy utilizes the Milstein method for numerical solutions. It employs two local error estimates, corresponding to the diffusion and drift components ...  Read More

Control and Optimization
A Multi-Objective Model for Humanitarian Logistics Model During an Earthquake Crisis‎: ‎A Case Study of Iran

Maryam Yaghoubi; Fatemeh Dadmand

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 17 May 2024

  Natural disasters‎, ‎such as earthquakes‎, ‎result in significant financial and human losses‎. ‎Rescue operations play a crucial role in managing such crises‎. ‎However‎, ‎the lack of precise information and the damage or destruction of urban transportation routes ...  Read More

Control and Optimization
On Constraint Qualifications and Optimality Conditions in‎ ‎Nonsmooth Semi-infinite Optimization

Atefeh Hassani Bafrani

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 12 June 2024

  The primary objective of this paper is to enhance several well-known geometric constraint qualifications and necessary optimality conditions for nonsmooth semi-infinite optimization problems (SIPs). We focus on defining novel algebraic Mangasarian-Fromovitz type constraint qualifications, and on presenting ...  Read More

Control and Optimization
Mordukhovich Normal Cone of Optimization Problems with Switching Constraints

Sharifeh Rezagholi; Arash Farhadi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 17 July 2024

  This paper examines normal cones of the feasible set for mathematical programming problems with switching constraints (MPSC)‎. ‎Functions involved are assumed to be continuously differentiable‎. ‎The primary focus is on providing the upper estimate of the Mordukhovich normal cone for ...  Read More

Control and Optimization
Impact of Carrier Relaxation Time on the Performance of Quantum Dot Laser with Planar Cavities ‎Using ‎Artificial ‎Neural ‎Networks

Seyed Mohsen Izadyar; Mohammad Eshaghnezhad; Hossein Davoodi Yeganeh

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 24 July 2024

  This study presents a model of ‎a quantum dot laser with a planar cavity, employing numerical methods and artificial neural networks for simulation purposes. The investigation focuses on the influence of critical parameters, including the injection current into the active layer of the quantum dot ...  Read More

Control and Optimization
New Soliton Solutions to the Coupled Conformable Time-Fractional Boussinesq Equation

Ahmad Sharif

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 08 September 2024

  In this study‎, ‎we explore soliton solutions for the conformable time-fractional Boussinesq equation utilizing the three-wave method‎. ‎To validate the precision of our findings‎, ‎we discuss specific special cases by adjusting certain potential parameters and also present the ...  Read More

Control and Optimization
A New Approach to Control of Legged Robots

Majid Anjidani

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 08 September 2024

  Designing dynamically stable controllers for a robot with 2r legs is challenging due to its complex hybrid dynamics (r>1). This paper proposes a technique to decompose the robot into r biped robots, where the influence of other robot parts on each biped can be modeled as external forces. This approach ...  Read More